Certification Requirements for Nyc Agency Computer Hardware

License Requirements

General Requirements | Fees | Fractional Refunds | Education Requirements | Experience Requirements | Examination Requirements | Applicants Licensed in Another Jurisdiction (Endorsement) | Limited Permits | Dental Anesthesia/Sedation | Dentist Summary of Requirements "At a Glance"

General Requirements

The practice of dentistry or use of the title "dentist" inside New York State requires licensure.

To be licensed as a dentist in New York State initially or through endorsement yous must:

  • be of good moral character;
  • be at least 21 years of age;
  • meet education requirements;
  • encounter examination requirements;
  • meet experience requirements; and
  • complete coursework or grooming in the identification and reporting of child corruption offered by a New York State approved provider.

You must file an awarding for licensure and the other forms indicated, along with the appropriate fee, to the Role of the Professions at the address specified on each grade. It is your responsibleness to follow up with anyone yous have asked to send usa material.

The specific requirements for licensure are independent in Championship 8, Article 133, Section 6604 of New York State Education Law and Part 61 of the Commissioner's Regulations.

You lot should also read the full general licensing information applicable for all professions.


The fee for licensure and first registration is $377.

The fee for a limited permit is $105 (the limited permit fee is not refundable).

Fees are discipline to modify. The fee due is the i in law when your application is received (unless fees are increased retroactively). You lot will be billed for the difference if fees take been increased.

  • Practice not send cash.
  • If yous apply for licensure electronically using the online Application for Licensure, you will be required to pay past credit card.
  • Other payments must exist made past personal cheque or money social club payable to the New York State Didactics Department. Your cancelled check is your receipt.
  • Mail whatever required forms and fees to the indicated accost on the form.

Notation: Payment submitted from outside the United States should be made by check or typhoon on a United States bank and in United states currency; payments submitted in any other form will not be accepted and will be returned.

Partial Refunds

Individuals who withdraw their licensure awarding may be entitled to a partial refund.

  • For the process to withdraw your application, contact the Dentistry Unit past electronic mail at opunit3@nysed.gov or by calling 518-474-3817 ext. 270 or by fax at 518-402-5354.
  • The State Education Section is non responsible for whatsoever fees paid to an outside testing or credentials verification agency.

If yous withdraw your awarding, obtain a refund, and then decide to seek New York State licensure at a later date, you will be considered a new bidder, and you will be required to pay the licensure fee and encounter the licensure requirements in place at the time you reapply.

Education Requirements

To meet the education requirements for licensure, you must nowadays testify of completion of:

  1. not less than lx semester hours of preprofessional education, including courses in general chemical science, organic chemical science, biology or zoology, and physics; and
  2. a program of professional education consisting of either:
    • at to the lowest degree four bookish years, or the equivalent thereof, in a program registered by the Department as licensure qualifying or accredited by an accrediting system acceptable to the Department (run into beneath for information about accredited dental programs); or
    • at least four academic years of dental education satisfactory to the Section, culminating in a caste, diploma or certificate in dentistry recognized by the advisable civil authorities of the land in which the school is located, as adequate for entry into practice in the country in which the school is located (see below).

If you completed a program of dental education in an unregistered and unaccredited foreign dental school, you lot must complete non less than two bookish years of study satisfactory to the Section in a registered or accredited dental school programme including such subjects as may be necessary for certification by such registered or accredited school that y'all have accomplished the level of noesis and clinical proficiency expected of a graduate of the school. If you have questions about acceptable programs, contact the New York State Board for Dentistry by e-mail at dentbd@nysed.gov, by phone at 518-474-3817 ext. 550 or by fax at 518-473-0567.

In improver to the professional educational activity requirement, every applicant for dental licensure or a express permit must complete coursework or grooming in the identification and reporting of child abuse in accord with Department 6507(3)(a) of the Education Constabulary. Run across boosted information and a listing of canonical providers for this training.

Every dentist must besides complete approved coursework or training appropriate to the professional's practice in infection control and barrier precautions, including engineering science and work practice controls, to prevent the transmission of the man immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and the hepatitis b virus (HBV) in the course of professional practice. See boosted data and a list of approved providers for this training.

Accredited Dental Programs

For information about accredited dental programs in the United States or Canada, contact the:

American Dental Association
211 Due east. Chicago Avenue
Chicago, IL 60611
Phone: 312-440-2500
Fax: 312-440-7494
Web: www.ada.org External Link Icon

or contact the State Board for Dentistry (see Contact Information).

You should ostend

Experience Requirements

Start January 1, 2007, all applicants for initial licensure must complete an canonical clinically-based dental residency program of at least one year's elapsing. A clinical (practical) examination such as NERB will not be accepted for initial licensure subsequently December 31, 2006.

If you are licensed as a dentist in another jurisdiction and accept not completed an canonical residency program, you must meet the endorsement requirements. (Run into Applicants Licensed in Another Jurisdiction (Endorsement) section.)

Dental Residency Programs

The Department must receive, direct from the residency program director, verification of completion of an approved residency program accredited for teaching purposes by an acceptable national accrediting trunk. Please refer to section 61.18(b)

Examination Requirements

For licensure, you must obtain passing scores on both Parts I and II of the National Board Dental Examination. The Section must receive verification of your passing scores directly from the Articulation Commission on National Dental Examinations. You are responsible for contacting the examination bureau for obtaining appropriate data and forms.

Normally, dental students take Parts I and II of the National Lath Dental Exam in the terminal years of dental study and their dental schools help in the arrangements. If you completed a program of dental education in an unregistered and unaccredited dental school outside the U.s., contact the Joint Commission on National Dental Examinations for information on taking the examinations.

For an application to take the National Board Dental Examinations or for transmittal of scores to the New York State Education Department, contact the Joint Committee on National Dental Examinations (run across Reasonable Testing Accommodations department for contact information).

Scores are not available by phone from the Function of the Professions or the testing agency.

Reasonable Testing Accommodations

If y'all have a disability and may require reasonable testing accommodations for the examinations, delight contact the Joint Commission on National Dental Examinations for information. They tin can be contacted at:

Joint Committee on National Dental Examinations
211 E Chicago Avenue
Chicago, IL 60611
Telephone: one-800-232-1694
Spider web: www.ada.org External Link Icon

Applicants Licensed in Another Jurisdiction (Endorsement)

If you are licensed as a dentist in another jurisdiction of the United States or a Canadian province and accept fulfilled all the requirements for licensure including the experience requirements by completing an approved residency program, this section does non utilise to y'all. You should apply for licensure based upon completion of the approved residency programme (see Experience Requirements department for details).

If you have not completed an approved residency plan of at least one year's duration and are licensed equally a dentist in another jurisdiction of the United States or a Canadian province, the Department may endorse that license if the Department determines you have met the licensing requirements of New York Land Education Police force and the Regulations of the Commissioner of Didactics. To be licensed by endorsement, yous must:

  • run into New York Land education requirements;
  • have been licensed in some other jurisdiction of the United States or a Canadian Province and practiced lawfully for at to the lowest degree two years (full-time) post-obit initial licensure - 8 months of such practice must have been in the two years preceding your application;
  • have passed an exam satisfactory to the board and in accord with the Commissioner'due south Regulations (come across Examination Requirements section for details.);
  • be at least 20-one years of age;
  • be of expert moral grapheme equally determined by the Section; and
  • complete coursework or grooming in the identification and reporting of child abuse offered by a New York State approved provider.

To utilize for a New York State license by endorsement, you lot must submit, or have submitted on your behalf, the following:

  • Awarding for Licensure (Class 1) with a licensure and first registration fee of $377;
  • Certification of Professional person Pedagogy (Form 2) verifying that yous meet New York State's educational activity requirements;
  • Verification of Other Licensure/Certification (Form 3);
  • Personal Affidavit of Professional person Practice of Endorsement Applicants (Form iv); and
  • Supporting Affidavit of Professional person Practise for Endorsement Applicants (Form 4A) to document two years of full-fourth dimension practise; and
  • a certificate of completion or a certificate of exemption for the child abuse identification and reporting training.

Limited Permits

A limited permit allows a graduate of a dental higher who has satisfied the pedagogy requirements for licensure in this State to practice dentistry just under the supervision of a New York State licensed dentist and simply in:

  • a registered school of dentistry or dental hygiene to instruct and supervise clinical dentistry or dental hygiene for students in that school and to do dentistry just on the premises of that registered school or premises used for didactics; OR
  • a hospital or dental facility approved by an advisable agency and under the direction or supervision of a licensed dentist. No permit shall be issued or renewed unless yous have a bonafide offer of a position in that infirmary or dental facility, which has an accredited dental residency program.

A supervising dentist shall be present on the premises at all times when professional services are being rendered by a limited permit holder and will practise supervision appropriate to the circumstances, according to Department 6605 (1) of the New York Country Education Law. You may not begin do until a limited let has been issued.

To apply for a limited permit, yous must submit, or have submitted on your behalf, the following:

  • Awarding for Limited Permit (Form v) with the express permit fee of $105;
  • Certification of Professional Educational activity (Form 2) verifying that you meet New York State's teaching requirements*;
  • a document of completion or a document of exemption for the child abuse identification and reporting training; and
  • If licensed in some other jurisdiction, Verification of Other Professional Licensure/Certification (Course three).

NOTE: You do non take to file an Application for Licensure (Form 1). The limited allow cannot be issued until the Department has approved your pedagogy and has received all required documentation.

Your express permit is valid for one twelvemonth or until ten days later on you are notified that your awarding for licensure was denied. A limited permit which has non expired may be renewed for ane year. If you are serving in a residency program in a infirmary, almanac renewals are bachelor until your residency is completed. To renew your limited allow for an additional yr, you lot must submit a new Course five with the $105 fee.

*Note: For limited permits only, tentative completion dates may exist accepted provided all requirements for graduation take been met; however, an updated Form 2 volition need to exist submitted when applying for licensure.

Dental Anesthesia/Sedation

To employ general anesthesia, deep sedation, or witting sedation (parenteral or enteral road with or without inhalation agents), dentists must come across boosted requirements and obtain a dental anesthesia/sedation document from the Land Education Department.

The requirements you must meet and the forms you must complete to obtain a dental anesthesia/sedation certificate are available on our Web site. Additional information regarding certification is available on our Web site or y'all may contact the State Board for Dentistry (see Contact Information).

Dentist Summary of Requirements "At a Glance"

Required Forms, Fees, Experience and Exams Applicants for licensure who hold a DDS or DMD degree from an ADA accredited program and HAVE met the residency requirement 1. Applicants for licensure who concur a DDS or DMD degree from an ADA accredited program, Have NOT met the residency requirement 1 and are applying for endorsement. Applicants for licensure who are graduates of programs that are not NYS licensure qualifying or ADA accredited. Applicants for Limited Let
Course 1 and fee for licensure and starting time registration Ten X 10
Pre-Professional Educational activity X X 2
Grade 2 X 3 X X 10
2 years of additional dental education acceptable to the Section X Ten 2
Form iii X 4 X Ten 4 X
Form four X X v
Form 4A 10 Ten 5
Form 4B 6 Ten Ten vii
Course 5 and fee X
National Boards exam scores X X Ten
Certification of Completion of Course in Reporting Child Abuse eight (or exemption form) Ten Ten X X
Infection Control Coursework9 (Must be completed within xc days of licensure) X X X

i Residency program must be an approved clinically-based dental residency program of at least 1 year's duration and must be successfully completed.

2 Merely if graduate of a non-accredited or non-registered dental school programme.

3 If yous were previously issued a express let, please verify with your dental school that the verification of your didactics previously sent to the Section was submitted after graduation from your dental program. If non, a new Class 2 will demand to be submitted.

4 Merely applicable if licensed in another jurisdiction.

5 Only applicable if you have not met the residency requirement, are licensed in some other jurisdiction and are applying for licensure by endorsement.

half-dozen Residency program participants in New York State are required to secure a express permit to practice in a residency program.

seven Only applicative if you take met the residency requirement.

8 Graduates of NYS licensure qualifying dental education programs after September i, 1990 have completed this coursework and are non required to submit proof.

9 Graduates of NYS licensure qualifying dental didactics programs afterward September 1, 1993 consummate this requirement as office of their dentistry programme.

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